Ahlan, meaning greetings & welcome in Arabic, is a unique loyalty program that appreciates and credits members when they dine-in or order online from their restaurant, flower shop or chocolate store.
We provide our members with a safe and easy way to earn credit for their repeated online orders and visits to featured merchants. Ahlan Members can accumulate credit, and spend it at their will in any of the featured merchants.
When you sign up as an Ahlan Member, you will be constantly rewarded for your continued loyalty with “cash back” Ahlan Credit in your app account, in addition to a variety of great offers by the featured merchants.
As a member using Ahlan, you will be rewarded for your loyalty by receiving “cash back” Ahlan Credit with a minimum 5% of the total value of each order.
You are free to accumulate this credit or redeem part of it. The Ahlan Credit from each transaction expires after 2 months from issuance if it’s not used.
You have access to your data, and can always see your available credit, check previous transactions, and find out what’s about to expire.